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Olfactomedin-4 (OLM-4) is also known as OLFM4, antiapoptotic protein GW112, G-CSF-stimulated clone 1 protein (hGC-1), hOLfD, is a secreted protein which contains one olfactomedin-like domain. OLFM4 is expressed during myeloid lineage development. Much higher expression in bone marrow neutrophils than in peripheral blood neutrophils (at protein level). Strongly expressed in the prostate, small intestine and colon and moderately expressed in the bone marrow and stomach. Overexpressed in some pancreatic cancer tissues. OLFM4 may promote proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells by favoring the transition from the S to G2/M phase. In myeloid leukemic cell lines, inhibits cell growth and induces cell differentiation and apoptosis. OLFM4 may play a role in the inhibition of EIF4EBP1 phosphorylation/deactivation. Facilitates cell adhesion, most probably through interaction with cell surface lectins and cadherin. The human OLFM4 is also thought to be a useful marker for early myeloid development.

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